Saturday, 10 April 2010

Toy Story 3

Seeing as how this is in danger of becoming a music-only blog: and now for something completely different...

So, Toy Story 3. What to say? At this point, any new Pixar release is automatically going to be at the top of my must-see list. WALL-E is the greatest love story of the twenty-first century; Up, meanwhile, surpassed it, and in the first five minutes alone reminded me why it is that I love the medium of cinema. In the past I've often argued that, by comparison, the first two Toy Story movies don't hold up quite so well; sure, they're great, but Pixar have only truly hit their creative peak in recent years. Such an observation, however, only serves to highlight exactly why we should all be excited about Toy Story 3. The first two films came when the studio was still finding its feet, and both of them were fantastic. Now that everyone involved in their making is a little bit older and a little bit wiser, there's every reason to believe that, rather than seeing the law of diminishing returns kicking in, the third film could be the best yet. So I'd say that July 23rd just can't come soon enough. In the meantime, /Film posted a wonderful article that introduces all the new characters we can expect to see. My favourite has to be the lederhosen-clad German hedgehog, Mr. Pricklepants. The official trailer isn't embeddable, but head on over to YouTube and watch it - the first minute is pure poignant beauty. Minor issue: the whole 'toys breaking out into the world at large' structure might end up proving to be a bit stale at this point. But I'm willing to worry about that later.

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