Monday, 12 July 2010

Today, I contributed a short story to Write In For Writing's Sake, the blog that intends to encourage those of us who have held a long-standing desire to express our creativity in the form of the written word, without ever quite knowing how to get the results out into the wider world, where people might read our literary outpourings. I hope it'll be my first submission of many; now that I've finished my degree, I'm keener than ever to do something relevant with it.

Be warned: the story isn't exactly the most positive thing I've ever written. It concerns a married couple, both of whom have reached the age of forty. Told from the perspective of the woman, the two of them are sat across from one another at a wedding, and the tale juxtaposes their unhappiness with their surroundings, which in turn serve to remind her of the happier times they shared together.

As soon as I read that this week's theme was 'Dance, Dance, Dance,' the idea of an unnamed song playing in the background - one that carries a past significance to two lovers - immediately came to mind. From there, I decided to challenge myself as much as possible, writing from a perspective that couldn't be any further removed from my own. Whether that turned out to be a successful move is not for me to decide, but I enjoyed stretching myself, and it represents a much-needed move away from writing only what I know.

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