Friday, 23 July 2010

Everything You Need #5, Friday 23rd July 2010

It's time (and always a pleasure) to plug Everything You Need again, and whilst I'm not fortunate enough to be DJing this time round, I am still quite closely involved: the Everything You Need Twitter account is operated by me. Starting from eleven p.m. this evening, your £2 will get you four hours of the best music you could ever hope to hear at a clubnight. Tonight, above all else, I'm hoping for some Replacements. I've lost count of the number of occasions I've danced around to "I Will Dare." But once more can never hurt. You're encouraged to make your own requests, though, so if there's anything in particular you fancy hearing, write it down, hand it in, and wait on tenterhooks in the hope that it'll get played. And make sure you stick around for the raffle, with the lucky winner getting to take home half of the takings on the door (keep those fingers crossed!). Hope to see you down there.

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