Like Kick-Ass, this movie seems to have one hell of a bandwagon behind it. Unlike Kick-Ass, I have no reservations about the source material. Bryan Lee O'Malley's Scott Pilgrim series (of which the sixth and concluding volume is due for release at some point this year) is some of the strongest work in the comicbook medium any creator has offered in the twenty-first century, and its heady combination of action, sarcasm and music should readily translate to the big screen. Mind you, I'd be lying if I said I didn't have doubts about Michael Cera in the lead role; in my eyes, his stock has plummeted since his Arrested Development days, due largely to his inability to display any signs of versatility as an actor. The usual Cera performance would not do justice to the character of Scott Pilgrim; here's hoping this is the film in which he shows he has a much broader range than anyone imagined. Edgar Wright's presence as director can only be viewed as a positive; his sensibilities should suit the material perfectly. I'm looking forward to the surely imminent release of the first trailer.
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