Friday, 19 March 2010

Scott Pilgrim Volume Six: Scott Pilgrim's Finest Hour release date announced

"It's been quite a ride, and I couldn't have gotten here without the support of the fans and the retailers. It feels great to be in the home stretch, and I think this is going to be the best Scott Pilgrim book ever!"
- Bryan Lee O'Malley

The announcement that the sixth and final volume of the Scott Pilgrim graphic novel series will be out on July 20th was not something I was expecting; whilst talking about the film the other day, I mentioned in passing that it was due in 2010, so to find out a mere two days later that it has a solid release date makes for a wonderful Friday afternoon. In the past, I have wrote extensively of my love for Scott Pilgrim, describing it as "a seriously impressive mix of music scene in-jokery, video game-inspired fight scenes, and relationships blossoming and unfolding and imploding, all drawn in Bryan Lee O'Malley's perfect manga-but-not-quite-as-we-know-it style." Those words were written almost four years ago, and whilst they don't come close to capturing the greatness of O'Malley's work, they do hint at its appeal. They were written whilst reviewing Volume 3 (Scott Pilgrim & The Infinite Sadness), and the series has only gone from strength-to-strength since then. That it must end is a shame - there's nothing else out there quite like it - but O'Malley always had a conclusion in mind, and I can't wait to read how it unfolds. For the uninitiated, there really could be no matter time to check it out.

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