Monday, 14 June 2010

Interstellar fugitives on the run from the law

The return of Futurama is obviously worth getting excited about; whilst the movies were a little hit-and-miss at times, they still delivered plenty of laughs, and proved that reviving the franchise was a great decision. So naturally, the upcoming brand new, twelve-episode season is cause for celebration; below, you'll find a short trailer explaining how they survived the end of 'Into the Wild Green Yonder.' At its best, Futurama often outstripped its "parent" show, The Simpsons; episodes such as 'The Luck of the Fryrish,' 'Jurassic Bark' and 'The Sting' packed a real emotional punch, and the intended finale, 'The Devils Hands Are Idle Playthings,' is still one of the high-points in television history.

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