Monday, 15 June 2009


So, this last week kind of got away from me. Mostly, the (hopefully temporary) return of my insomnia has been my undoing - it's very difficult to compose decent sentences when you're barely getting any sleep at all. Then, there was the usual weekend revelry (including an incredibly impressive performance on my part at the launch of the Manchester Metropolitan University Art & Design degree show - so much free wine, that led to all manner of questionable behaviour afterwards, and a fair amount of memory loss) acting as a further distraction. Which is why my last entry was over a week ago. Which I'm not thrilled about - I really did want this to be a regular thing. Which is why I've decided to outline what I expect to be posting in the following days - as much as a reminder to myself, as to anyone who might be reading this.

Firstly, I'll be continuing The 69 Love Songs Project. I haven't decided on songs six through ten yet, but I have plenty of candidates in mind, Pasty Cline's "Crazy," Elton John's "Your Song," Nilsson's "Without You," Roy Orbison's "Crying" and Van Morrison's "Brown Eyed Girl" amongst them. As those songs would suggest, the next instalment will be more about acknowledged classics of the genre.

I'll probably be offering a review of Milan Kundera's Life Is Elsewhere at some point in the near future; I've barely picked it up this week, due to my aforementioned difficulties/distractions, but I'm sure I'll get it finished presently. I hope so - I'm not reading anywhere near as much as I'd like to be. And considering that we're planning on setting up a library in our new house...after that, I think Charles Dickens's A Tale of Two Cities may well be my next port of call - I'm really trying to take this 'English Literature Student' thing to new extremes, with the loose aim being to have read as many classics by this time next year.

And at some point, a trip to the cinema to see Looking For Eric needs to happen...any film centred around Eric Cantona is certainly going to get me out of the house. Hopefully, it'll live up to its promise/premise.

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